Multiple Birth Relief Program

Our Multiple Birth service provides staffing support to new mothers with multiple birth. Our personal support workers and nurses assist the babies at night while mom is able  get a full nights’ sleep. This enables you to feel well rested and healthy to support your babies. 

Child and Family Support for Families in Crises

H &H Family Support Services provides short-term and in-home support to families with children especially multiple births, who require hands on care while the parent/s recover from medical emergencies and crises situation.  The program allows parents timely recovery from illnesses and urgent situations.  

We also assist with access to community resources that provides ongoing support to families. This is done through a referral from a Social Worker, Psychologist, and Behavior Therapist.

Patient Relief Program

Our Patient Relief Program assist families who are caring for children with a disability.  To learn more, please send us an email info@familysupportservices.ca.